Monday, September 20, 2010

Mr. Gavyn

Today was Gavyn's second neurology follow up at Cardinal Glennon. That and neuro-surgery are always nerve racking because you just don't know what they will say. You hope for the best but they could always see something you are missing, right? Thankfully, Tracy the nurse practitioner thought Mr. Gavyn was doing well. She was not terribly worried about his lack of rolling since he is seeing an OT and soon a PT. She really felt with the extra eyes on him and people working with him on a weekly basis he would be getting the hang of it soon enough. I did share that he had rolled twice on Saturday but not since then. At least not that we have seen... It was comforting to hear that she believes he will catch right back up. Give him some time since he laid in a hospital bed for 21 days and was unable to move. He lost a lot of time for a little man. She was extremely happy to see him sitting up and doing it so well! He doesn't have to go back until he is 1 unless there is a major change for the worse. Of course no one is expecting that! It seems that Mr.Gavyn is starting to get a more normal routine for Doctors... back to wellness check ups and much longer periods in between Glennon trips. Slowly, slowly the turtle wins the race.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

3rd Baby Charm

Yesterday we went to get our haircut. Like any good Mom taking 3 boys for haircuts I packed Skyler's back pack with books, coloring books and markers. But like a busy Mom I placed the babies carseat in a spot that I could only see if I turned around and looked, not from the mirror while I got my hair cut. I was a proud Mom that I had a quiet, cooing baby, a well behaved 2-year-old and a 4-year-old who kept checking in while I was getting pampered. About 5 minutes before I was done Skyler said something about the baby and a marker. I told him not to let Gavyn have the markers because he would put them in his mouth. He responded that Gavyn wasn't holding
marker, he had marker on him, only 1 little spot
though! I told him he better not color the baby anymore and he stayed by me until I got up. I turned around, picked up Nevin, then I saw him, Mr. Gavyn was colored head to toe! He had green on his cheeks and forehead, orange on his arms, yellow on his legs... He looked like a man ready for battle! I gave Skyler a stern warning to not color the baby again. (Although Nevin often colors himself and I feel it is a form of expression for them. But lets let Gavyn color himself when he is ready.) The girls in the shop said he was just smiling and laughing the whole time! They thought I totally knew and was OK with it. I am
OK with it, just did not know. Such a 3rd Baby, goes with the flow.