Tuesday, February 10, 2015


On Friday Gavyn had an MRI of his brain done. It was to follow up on his progress since December. He has been doing great, but my anxiety slowly began to build Friday morning until today when we met with his surgeon. I longed to hear the words, "The MRI looks great!" Gavyn needs good news, we all need good news, last year was simply too much.

And guess what? We got good news! His surgeon was pretty excited that his MRI looked good and that Gavyn himself looks good. They had a nice little chat, Gavyn gave him a big hug and Dr. E told him he loved him, we even got a picture! Which has inspired me to get pictures of the boys with all their specialists this coming year. Because these doctors, these nurses, the people on the surgeons teams; they aren't just people to us. They are an extension of our family. Without great surgeons like Dr. Elbabaa, and pediatric doctors like Dr. Andreone and Dr. Werner in the PICU, and nurses like Anne, our Gavyn might not be here or might not have the quality of life he has. It takes a lot of special people to help make our family tick. 

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