Friday, July 8, 2011

Major Milestones

So blogging has gone by the way side because we are super busy and every time I sit down to blog all hell breaks loose! Right now I am just going to ignore it and get something up.

Gavyn is doing amazing and it is really exciting to see. A year ago we were not sure he would sit up, roll over, crawl, just be mobile in anyway. And some how this year right around his birthday the light bulb went on and he is determined to do amazing things and blow us all away.

In the last 3 months he has started to roll like a little pro. He can cross a room in seconds flat by rolling and scooting. We had almost given up on rolling after months and months of PT. We always knew he was making progress but it was so slow and at times did not seem to be moving forward at all. In March his therapist Adel told me she thought he was going to finally do it and the very next day he did! It was one of the happiest days at our house. To accomplish such a huge goal that would lead to so much more.

In the last month he started to scoot backwards, HUGE! We knew eventually he would figure out crawling but I had low expectations. It only took a couple weeks though and now we have an army crawler on our hands. It is seriously the cutest thing ever. The older boys never army crawled and I always thought it was cute when babies did it. The grunting that goes with it and the hard work is endearing. He is one tough cookie.

Now that we are mobile we are finding all sorts of interesting things to get into! I find him in my office opening and closing draws, pulling papers out, getting into the kitchen panty and dumping food out... It is so exciting to watch him do it I don't get mad no matter how big the mess.

We are making great strides and he is a cutie bug. I am so grateful for our team of people who help him every week. I don't know what we would do without all the support.

Hopefully my next blog will be telling about more amazing strides. :)