Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy birthday, here's your genetic diagnosis

I thought I would have lots of insightful things to say when we heard back from genetics but, I don't. Of all days to call they actually called on Nevin's birthday. Really? It kind of pissed me off. Happy birthday, you have 22Q Deletion. That's right, we have a diagnosis and it completely caught me off guard. I had really convinced myself that there was nothing wrong with his genetics and it was a waste of his blood so to speak. I was wrong. Not only did they find he has 22Q Deletion, but that is the very thing suspected by a grandma, who happened to be a nurse, who walked passed us at Glennon on our way to the cleft palette team. Her grandson also had it. Strange, huh? I don't know if there is a stranger feeling in the world, talking to a doctor or in this case a counselor about how your kid has this thing wrong with them that they will have the rest of their lives. How it all happened by chance and it's not because I'm a bad mom, it just happened... by chance. Thanks for saying that, again, and again. It really doesn't lessen the blow, I'm not sure they know that. It just makes you really mad, at everything, it reminds you just how unfair the world really is. Yes, it does answer a multitude of questions but it doesn't make you feel better. Everything is kind of still the same but worse. Now I have a zillion questions that I might have never entertained before. So no, I don't have great insight but I do have a lot of anger right now. A lot.

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