Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Today was Gavyn's 9 month check up! While we were in the hall at the office getting Gav weighed his doctor walked by and just smiled at him, "Look how big Gavyn is! My how time flies..." You are telling me doc. Something about 9 months gets me sentimental and in awe that my baby is almost not a baby anymore. Only 3 short months before the 1st Birthday and a whole new world opening up to my boy. Doc was happy with his weight/height:

Weight: 18 pounds 10 ounces
Height: 26 1/2 inches

He was excited to see how well he is sitting up (man have we been working hard at that!). We talked about the non-rolling issue but he was so pleased with his sitting that it did not seem to bother him as much. Like he said, it could be because of his medical issues or it could just be his personality. With continued PT and OT I think we will get there shortly though. We all know he is capable of it, he has done it 2 times before it is just getting him to do it on a regular basis.

Gavyn loves his food (obviously by his weight!) and is eating a wide variety of fruits, veggies, grains and dairy products. It is fun to watch him explore new foods and learning how to self feed. If you hand him food in a pincer grip he does good at getting it from your hand to his using his pincer grip. If it is on the tray he is mostly still raking it to get it into his mouth.

He is all Gavyn and yet I see so many things that remind me of his brothers in him. His contentment with sitting and observing reminds of me Nevin. His fast/excited/hurried hand and arm movements remind me of Skyler. His babbling and singing remind me of Skyler and his sleeping habits remind me of Nevin. All things combined make up his own unique, sweet personality. I can't imagine life without my little Gav.