Tuesday, March 26, 2013

First Steps

 This post has been long coming. I had to get pictures of our three AMAZING First Steps therapists that had been with us for three years. I was really on top of it and got a picture of our PT Adele first, then Jill our ST and then an epic fail of our OT Jenny because her last visit with Gav pretty much did not happen. He was having a very bad day and completely melted down and would not work with her at all. I didn't get a picture and was super sad that they really didn't have a "goodbye" session. Thankfully she works at PS Kids where Nevin goes once a week and we knew we would see her. After forever, we finally got a picture of them! That was at least two weeks ago and then I needed to get all the pictures off of my camera. This morning I finally did! Only to realize that somehow the picture of our PT Adele got deleted!! Oh my gosh guys, I'm so flipping mad about it. I also can't find any of the pictures of Nevin when he worked with Adele. One of the most important persons in Gavyn's life and I don't have a stinkin picture. I'm gonna have to e-mail her and see if she can swing by one day for a do over. Here are the pictures I did get:

 Gavyn and his BFF Jenny our OT

 Gavyn and his super fun ST Jill - seriously, you see that goofy smile? He loved Jill

 A during shot! Woah
And a seriously sad face for Jenny. The joke is that Jenny can make my kids cry like no other. The day that stands in Stanley family history is the day Jenny made all three of my kids cry and she never even worked with Skyler. She thought my hubby hated her but he really didn't. We love you Jenny!

Hopefully one day I will have a picture of Adele because she seriously helped Gavyn so much. She kept him and us motivated that he would do amazing things. She was so wonderful and we loved working with her. I also don't have a picture of our service coordinator Heather. She was just as awesome as our therapists. Anytime we needed something she was on top of it. Not only was she easy to work with but we really became friends over those three years and hopefully we will keep in touch with her as well. I have nothing but good things to say about First Steps and everything they did for both boys. I can not believe it has been three years and that we had to say goodbye. Thankfully not for forever, we will totally keep in touch! We will all miss them. Your therapists see you through the worst and best and become your second family. I don't know what I would have done without those 4 amazing women. Thanks ladies!!


  1. Found you via Love that Max. So glad I did. Gavin seems amazing and yay for his first steps!

  2. Thanks for reading and commenting!!! I love hearing from readers. :)
