Thursday, December 30, 2010


We have successfully made it through the holiday season with 3 little men! It was so wonderful to have Mr. Gavyn part of our family this year.

Thanksgiving was a wonderful week of celebration. Gavyn was dedicated at our church the weekend before the holiday and it was truly a special day. We were surrounded by family and friends who love us and our little man. People who supported us, encouraged us and cried with us this past year. My favorite part of the day was when we all prayed over him, although he was napping in the other room. :) To hear the love and care that he is surrounded with was truly special.

Christmas was super fun with three little boys. Gavyn was totally in to getting paper off of boxes and pulling paper out of bags. He was having more fun with it than I remember either of the other two boys at his age! Of course the paper is always more fun at his age than anything else. We did get him little baby drums that play music and he loves it, super fun for "baby bang, bang."

It was a magical time of year for our family with many blessings and surprises. We are looking forward to this new year with great hope for our little man. He is doing new things every day and slowly making progress. We are confident that he will get there in time with support and love.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sleep Overs

Tonight is Gavyn's second, yes SECOND! sleep over at Grandma's house. On the third of this month my wonderful husband surprised me with Symphony tickets at Powell Hall for my birthday. Instead of staying out our house until we got home my parents were brave enough to take all three kiddos to their house for the night. I was also brave enough to let them take my baby and keep him out of my sight for more than a few hours. The symphony was wonderful, the best date night we have ever had, I thought. But I was quick to give my parents a call when we were leaving to see how Gav was doing, he was sound asleep and being a perfect angel. When I got to their house, bright and early in the morning to pick him up I was expecting to find a pouting face little boy ready for his momma. Instead I walked into a pouting faced 4-year-old not ready to leave, a happy and excited 2-year-old and Mr. Gavyn falling asleep with PaPa for his morning nap. I know he missed me but he did not show it! :) Tonight my brother Shane and his girlfriend wanted to come and make gingerbread houses with Sky and Nev, put them to bed and let us go out for dinner as an early Christmas present. They hadn't watched the boys at night before with the extra tasks of dinner, bed and excitement so mom agreed to watch Gavyn for them. We knew he would fall asleep at her house though and there was no way to bring him home unless he woke up or we chanced him just being up for hours after being woken up. Which meant another sleep over at grandma's for little man! I cannot believe that he is doing so super amazing that I feel comfortable enough to leave him period, much less at my mom's twice in 10 days over night. Such a miracle boy.