Friday, June 22, 2012


Mr. Gavyn has really turned into a toddler over the last month. We are moving away from using "walk walk" as he likes to call his medical walker. He is still using a little push walker or holding your hand for the most part. In the last week though he has gotten way braver about taking more and more independent steps. It is exciting for the whole family to see him walk from the couch to the ottoman or table to me or Ryan. We all cheer him on and he knows he is hot stuff. Mostly now it is a mind over matter issue for him. Physically he can do it and everyone knows it but him. That is always the last battle for him in over coming obsticals. Isn't it for everyone? Once we build his confidence he will take off and being outside chasing his brothers by the end of fall. He is also conquering climbing. He has been climbing the stairs for about a year now but recently he has figured out getting on the ottoman and up into Nevin's toddler chair! The couch and chair are still a little high for his short little legs but he will be there soon enough. He keeps moving in the right direction and every week brings new adventures.