Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dear Gavyn,

Some days I want to put you in a bubble where nothing can hurt you and everything will turn out fine. Other days I feel strong and am ready to push you and see what your therapists will think of next. On bad days I want to hold you and cry and try to stop my mind from thinking of all the worst case scenarios that could happen. And on good days, I just love you for the amazing and wonderful joy you are to our family. A life of never knowing you would have never been complete. A life with you taken from me would be unbearable. The day to day of right now with small victories, some set backs, and endless smiles from you is a treasure in my heart. I love you so much big boy. I know we will get over these rough times and you will be a strong man with so much to offer. It is hard for mommy to watch so many kids surpass you (and Nevin) but I know that you will both make up for it. You will have mighty characters, strong and good hearts and a caring gentle spirit even if you never walk or talk. Both of you are my precious little men. There will always be a place for you in this world and you will always be needed and loved by someone.

Kisses and hugs,

Go kick all their butts

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