Friday, February 17, 2012

Turning 2!

I guess there is a pattern emerging on this blog, updates every six months or so? In a way I am glad since it means there is less going on with Gavyn that I need to process out! Just the other day I found myself telling Ryan how I don't really worry about Gavyn. I can see with his progress thus far that he should be catching up and leading a normal healthy life in a few years. It makes me wonder when he starts kindergarten if anyone will be able to tell a difference between him and his classmates?

So what has Gavyn been doing for the last 6 months?

I reread my last post and can not believe how much progress he has made in the last (short!) 6 months.
~ He has conquered the regular all four crawling for sure. He is pretty speedy when he wants to be. Of course that is saying a lot for my little turtle! If you put a choo-choo or Lightning some place in sight that he wants he can move.
~ He also conquered going up and coming down the stairs independently. He is still on his tummy with these maneuvers but again, who would have dared hope?
~ He is also cruising. This has been huge!! Once he started to pull up on the furniture we knew the day would actually come, something we were really not sure would ever happen. The first day he took a little side step while holding onto the couch my heart burst with gladness. It is amazing to watch him cruise around the furniture in the living room.

Shortly after the cruising started his PT had us get him fitted for leg braces. You may have seen Nevin's little feet braces that help his ankles stay straight. These are much larger and more supportive for Gavyn. They cover his entire foot and go all the way up his leg to his knee. They are lightning blue with white swirls and we call them his robot legs. :) The braces are something that get you looks when you are out and lots of questions. That is something I kind of hate. I understand that some people genuinely want to know and are curios but others are just sticking their noses in. I am trying my best to treat my kids as I would any normal healthy growing child and I don't like strangers pointing out their differences to dissect them for their own pleasure. OK, off my soap box! I actually love their braces. Barb - the lady who fits them is super good at her job and knows how to make a good foot/leg brace. She is efficient in our visits (which is very helpful when I have 3 kiddos with me), knows exactly what kind of shoes will fit over them and we only have to get braces once a year. Nevin's helped him immediately and he could tell a difference as well. He would get them for me in the morning and wanted them on. Now that Gavyn is up and going he is the same way. Every morning when we are getting dressed he will tell me, "Shoes, shoes, shoes??" It is such a blessing that they like them and don't fight it!

~ He's WALKING!! Yes, WALKING people!!! After the cruising started, the leg braces came in and he was just up more his PT brought a medical toddler walker for him. We were not going to push it with him because he usually needs to take baby steps with everything he does. There was something about that walker though! It did not take him long to figure out how to get up in it independently and start going. His PT, Adele, is still so impressed with him. Every week when she watches him go with it she tells me how she can work with kids for months to get them to do the things he figured out in weeks. A true blessing. One of my biggest prayers when he was diagnosed with hydro was for him to be ok cognitively. I knew he was not going to be an athlete, that he may not even walk, but I also knew that if his mind was functioning he could do anything. I can see every day with him that God answered that prayer. He is a smart little guy and always watching everything going on around him. And to be doubly blessed that he is walking is more than my heart can bare. He will be using the walker for quite some time and we still are not using it outside the house. Mostly because he does get overwhelmed with things and we don't want to take any steps back. I think we are getting very close to trying to take it out though. I want to get him in a large space and just let him go and go. I think everyone, including Adele has a goal for him, walk independently before baby Gideon arrives on the scene! If you think about it, say a prayer! Honestly I am just so thrilled any time he decides to walk independently is fine with me but that sure would help.

Those are some big mile stones to hit in 6 months. Looking at his progress over the last year it is almost like he was born last year and is developing on track. Hopefully by 3 he will be running and jumping. Right now I don't want to get ahead of myself. This year will bring many changes for our family and for each boy in his own time. I am just so glad they are my kiddos and I get to be a part of each and every one of their amazing journeys.

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