Monday, January 31, 2011

My Baby Doll

It is but a few short weeks from my baby doll's 1st Birthday! I can not believe how fast the time has gone. And although it has been a wondrous and miraculous year my mind keeps going back to one thing. The night we found out about Gavyn's hydro and something Dr.Warner said. He made a comment that people would ask us what things Gav would be able to do and he said,
"People will ask you if he will ever walk, tell them to ask you a year from now."
I am not sure why of all things he had to say that but he did. It was etched in my memory and the closer it gets to Gav being a year the more I think about it. You don't want to compare your children but when you have a baby with specials needs you do watch that bar closely and see where they will fall. Skyler was a mover and shaker, he crawled at 8-9 months and quickly started cruising and by 9-10 months he was walking. Nevin (who knows what he would have done now if he would have been on meds for his hypo thyroid) crawled at 10 months after months of teasing me but did not walk until 18 months. Mr.Gavyn is still not crawling and by no stretch of the imagination does he show interest or intent in trying. His leg movement as always been a concern and although he has made great strides it is still far behind. They say when you shunt a baby it is like restarting the clock to zero no matter their age which would make Gav at a 9 month level. Yet, his gross motor skills are behind even for that. I know that even if he never walks and has to use a wheel chair he can still have a wonderful life full of adventurers. I do not have a clue what God has planned for him, we all know that all of my plans for my life got thrown in the garbage. It is just a wait and see game and that is the hardest part. Maybe a month from now I will post a video of his first steps. Or maybe in a year I will post pictures of him with his first set of wheels. Time will tell.

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