Saturday, March 5, 2011

1 Year Ago Today

Tonight the drive home from church reminded me of last year at the same time driving the same path. When we got home we sat down for dinner and I watched my baby dancing to music, signing 'all done' and 'more'. Interacting with his big brothers, laughing, smiling, being the Gavyn E we love. I glanced at the clock and thought back to a year ago at the same hour and the news we were receiving.

It has now been one complete year to the dreadful morning of Gavyn's seizure, rush to the hospital, admittance to the PICU, Ryan and I driving home to take a quick shower to go back up to the hospital and be met by Gav's doc who told us about his hydro. We were left with so many unanswered questions that night. So many fears. So many tears. So much guilt and worry. Slowly we have all made it through this very difficult year. There were a million things we never thought we would see Gavyn do. And now he can...

Sit up like a pro
Has a '6 foot reach'
Can pivot in a complete circle on his belly
Eat solid food
Say, 'Momma', 'Dadda', 'Baba'
Play peek a boo
Learning sign language, all done, more, eat, milk....

There are things we are still working on but those 7 things are some of the most important. They show he is cognitively moving along. His gross motor are delayed but he is moving! Fine motor skills are coming in to place. These are things I was never sure I would see from him. At our worst I thought he would be on life support his whole life. Once he came home my worst was thinking he would have CP and never interact with us. And now at our best I can see him learning to crawl and walk, talk and tell jokes, go to preschool and not special school district...

Just imagine what I will be saying a year from today.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting - he is getting so big and just defying the odds every day!
