Saturday, August 24, 2013


The school year is in full swing! Nevin and Gavyn went back on the 15 and Skyler started the 20. In some ways this year will be calmer but when you have four boys your life will always be busy. This year the three oldest are in school but three different schools. Gavyn does preschool two mornings, Nevin has all day kindergarten five days and Skyler is in second grade. When we were picking schools for Skyler we found a fabulous small private school that uses the Charlotte Mason philosophy. It is everything I could ever want in a school, we love it, he loves it, they love our son, it is a great fit. When Nevin was ready for school though we knew he needed all the services public school can offer. He needs the therapy, he needs the pull out time, he needs a lot and our beloved private school can't offer him that. We put him in a great public preschool and he had lots of help! It was a great fit for him. When Gavyn turned three we knew we faced the same issue with him and enrolled him in the same preschool Nevin was still at. In my delusional mind by kindergarten Nevin would be ready to go to SCCS with Skyler but, obviously, that is not the case. Thus enters the year of three kids in three different schools. Right now we are evaluating the school issue year by year. The private school is a perfect fit for Skyler, the preschool is the perfect fit for Gavyn, I am having a hard transition to public kindergarten for Nevin but I think ultimately it is the perfect fit for him. Ryan tells me every time I cry about kindergarten that we need to give it a good try and if we decide it is not a good fit we will find something else. Honestly though, Nevin goes to school happy and comes home happy, I think it is a good fit. And when Gavyn is ready for kindergarten (2 years from now) we will evaluate where he will go. 

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