Monday, February 23, 2015

His Mercies

I mentioned the book I've been reading before, 

It has rocked my world. We've been reading about slowing down and not having a hurried heart even in the midst of the day. I'm trying to focus on that and also blessings, small blessings. I'm a cynical person by nature and over the years it has gotten worse. I have sort of had a reason to get more cynical, right? I am realizing that I tend not to even notice the small blessings though. I sort of shrug them off and move on with the day. I'm too overwhelmed by our families big picture to see the small picture most days. It is turning me into a very judgmental person. 

In our book the author shares a story of sitting in his backyard during the winter months. He was trying to unplug and take it easy, listen to God speak. As he sat he noticed a bush in his yard full of berries. He thought that was odd in the winter. Then a little bird came and ate one of the berries. He realized that not only was the bush God's provision for the birds in the cold, he had provided more than the birds would ever need. 

It got me thinking. How many berry bushes are in my life that I have missed over the last year. Within twenty four hours yesterday God revealed quite a few to me. 

I was planning on going to my dad's house to have him help me install some software on my computer. I realized it would be dinner time when I would get home so I decided to prep the meal. As I finished prepping a big pan of potatoes and another of chicken my mom texted and asked if we wanted to just come for dinner that night. Of course! And how perfect that my dinner was now ready for the following evening? 

Little did I know that that evening I would be taking our youngest to the ER with an asthma attack. Now tonight when I will be exhausted from lack of sleep and taking care of a sick two year old all day, I won't need to worry about dinner. I just need to pop it in the oven. Berry one.

I texted my MOPS group asking them to pray for Gideon. My friend texted me back that she would put her kids to bed and come sit with us at the ER. Her baby has hydrocephalus like Gav and we have both seen the inside of the ER more times than we would have liked. It was not surprising that she of all people would offer to come keep me company. It was surprising that it was for an asthma attack though. For the many incredibly scary hospitals stays we have both had it is easy to brush off some of these things people go through with their kids. You just know the kids are going to be ok, it's not brain surgery. You know? It was just what my heart needed though. To remember that all these things are scary and stressful and that that's ok. Berry two.

When I came home from picking Gavyn up at school I noticed a little paper bag in the front door. After I unloaded the kids I grabbed the bag. It had a little note on the front, it said they heard about our rough night and were thinking about us up the street. Inside was a small loaf of delicious and still warm homemade bread. A reminder of the beautiful community I am surrounded by. Berry three. 

And berry number four is that the two littles are now so awfully calm after lunch that I might get some much needed cleaning done. And maybe even a nap. 

Trying my best to see and remember His mercies. 

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