Thursday, February 5, 2015

Some days

Some days are just those kinds of days. You know? This was my schedule today....

Wake up 6 am. I get up at six to have alone time, drink coffee, read my bible and journal/pray. I would say 50% of the time a child is already awake during this time. This morning it was Nevin. Thankfully he was happy and played trains in the playroom while I sat.

6:30: wake the rest of the crew that's still sleeping

6:30-7: my job is packing lunches, pouring milk/juice mixed with probiotic, making breakfast, passing out vitamins, seizure meds, and applying essential oils to children. Ryan gets the children dressed and corralled. Then gets himself dressed during this time.

7-7:30: get children set down to eat breakfast. Clean up the kitchen mess. Get myself dressed.

7:30: child #2 gets put on bus and husband #1 leaves for work.

7:30-8: finish getting the littlest boys ready (in case they slept in) and myself. Guzzle down coffee and generally flit around the house tying loose ends. 

8-8:15: kiss child #1 goodbye, tell him to make good choices and that I love him. Put him on the bus. Put child #3 and #4 in the car and drive to preschool.

8:30: drop off child #3 at school.

8:30-9: drive to our church in West County. Drop child #4 off at his classroom and go to my moms meeting for the next two hours. Which consists of drinking coffee, eating yummy breakfast, listening to a devotion and speaker, share life and laugh. All around relaxing and fun. 

11: pick up child #4 from classroom, buckle him in the car, take off for preschool.

Hit every light on the way to preschool. Arrive five minutes late. Be the last mom to pick up. Great. Child #3's face is pressed against the glass door awaiting our arrival with his teacher. 

11:35: have two kids in the car, pass out their lunch and water, grab a granola bar for myself.

11:40: slam on the brakes for a red light, sending kid #3's lunch flipping upside down on the floor. Convince #4 to share half his lunch. Pass out cereal bars. 

12:15: arrive at the children's hospital and fight for a parking space. Pick out the essentials for the diaper bag and purse, load them up and unload children. Hold firmly to their little hands and drag them through the parking garage jungle. 

12:20: check into the clinic and wait for ten minutes before being called back.

12:30: Cerebral Palsy clinic time. For the next two hours we see the PT, OT and nurse practitioner. They have Gav walk, run, shoes on, shoes off, up and down the hallway while making videos of him. Then they have him touch fingers to fingers to head and video that. We discuss his seizures, his recent brain surgeries, how he is doing in school, his moods, everything Gavyn. By the end he is exhausted and so am I. 

2:00: back in the car and fighting through the parking garage. Pass out granola bars, tell the hubs I can't talk on the phone, inhale a granola bar of my own.

2:20: arrive at kid #2's school, unload the littles from the car, tumble our way into the office and wait for Nevin. By 2:30 we are back in the car with 3 of the 4 children on our way to PSKids, therapy.

2:45: Somehow hit every light and arrive 15 minutes early. We totally deserve Lion's Choice ice cream cones for that, and lucky us, it's right next door. Get three mini cones and a large, spending a total of $2.15. You know mini cones at Lion's Choice are .25, right? Heck yeah! 

2:55: go into therapy and head for the bathroom, three people pee and one gets a new diaper. Back in the waiting area by 3. 

3:00: chat with speech about Nevin's speech time at school, decide she will have a pow-wow with that therapist for me. Chat with OT about Gav for a good 15 mins. 

3:20: sitting in waiting area with the littlest until 3:50.

3:50: meeting with OT and ST about boys. Nevin is great. Make a plan for Gav. Load children in the car.

4:13: on the road again.

4:30: home

Then begins the unloading of the car. Unloading back packs. Clean the mess up. Hang up the coats. Return messages. Start homework with the oldest. Start dinner. Set the table. Pour the milk. Pass out the evening vitamins and seizure meds. Organize the rest of the homework for the evening. Sit down for dinner. After dinner it's clean up time. Play time. Reading time. PJ time. Homework for kid #2. Growth hormone shot for kid #3. Bedtime for #3 and #4. Math time for #2. Bedtime for him right after. Finish homework with #1. Him to bed. Me to blog. 

8:00: kid free for two hours before I crash.

What does tomorrow bring? 6:15 am in the car on the way to the children's hospital for an MRI.

Just one of those days, ya know? 

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