Monday, June 21, 2010

Gav's EEG

Obviously this is not a picture of Gavyn, I was going to take a picture today but I left my camera in the car. This is what it looks like when Gav has his EEG's done. Today marked his 5th EEG and I am hoping it is the last! The poor little man threw the biggest fit today while the tech was getting him ready.

The lady is so sweet and remembered us from the last time he had one done. First she has to measure all around his head and make red marks with a marker all over his head. Then she puts cream over all the parts that are marked and finally takes the little probes and puts this thick cream on them and sticks them on his head. Once all the probes are on they tape over them to hold them in place. I felt so bad for my poor baby, when we got to the hospital he was wide awake and happy as could be. I laid him on the bed and he was laughing at her when she started to swaddle him. As soon as she started the marking though he wailed. He kept looking up at me with scared eyes, filled with tears as if to say, "Why are you not making her stop?! I hate this!" Once I could pick him up he just whimpered for a minute in my ear and feel asleep.

His neurologist said he looked "perfect" when she saw him on Wednesday. Every mommy loves to hear that but it really meant a lot to me. He had to have the EEG done because he has been off of his seizure meds for 4 weeks now. His last EEG still showed some slowing in his brain that could mean more likely hood for him to have seizures. Yet he has only had the one and that was March 5th. Hopefully everything will be normal on this EEG and he won't have to go back on his meds. It was a hated ritual every evening to force it down his throat. It was seriously the worst tasting liquid I had ever tried and not being able to explain why you are making your baby take it.... But being on a medicine the rest of your life is better than having seizures.

1 comment:

  1. The EEG looks so crazy. I can't imagine seeing your precious baby like that. So glad that after last week's results he doesn't have to go back on the meds!!
