Wednesday, June 30, 2010

First Cold

I hate this... Gav has a cold for the first time and it really sucks. I told Ryan that it is hard enough to handle these things being a mom but on top of the normal worry it makes me go crazy wondering if something is wrong with his shunt. All the symptoms of a growth spurt, cold, any sickness is the same as something being wrong with his shunt. How is a mom supposed to deal with that? Every time he coughs I feel so bad for him! It sounds horrible and he is so tired and pathetic. I took him to the Doc this morning and thankfully nothing is settling in his chest or ears. Also sucks because no meds to help him get better. Just Tylenol when he is super fussy. It has been a long day and my mind feels like mush from all the worry.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry he's sick! Hopefully he'll be back to his usual happy self soon. It's hard not to worry, but you know that worrying won't change anything and will just make YOU crazy.
