Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Nevers

To know my Nevers is to know looks and fists like these. He is my sweet boy with a big smile, bigger personality, and lots of hugs. He is my middle child (he was born with the complex) that just easily slid into the family. I love thinking back on all of my pregnancies and seeing their personalities even while in the womb. Nevin is that sweet kid that tries really hard to be good, to be on time but he always seems to get distracted and maybe even over sleep. His due date was Feb. 5th and when I saw my Doc that day he thought I had a week to go. I called him at 1am Feb. 6th in labor and Nevin showed up 6 hours later. He nursed good, slept good, cried little and smiled all the time.

Now that he is 2 he is all boy! His favorite movie is Cars, all day long you can find some sort of car or train in his hand. Always willing to ram it into a wall, chair, your leg, the poor dog, all while grunting "VROOOM!" Back up, move over, just plain get out of his way when he throws those arms back and charges. Yet, he is still my little cuddly sweet boy that will climb up in your lap, lay his head back and settle in for a long cuddle. He will find you, throw up his hands and give you the biggest, tightest hug for no reason. If I ever find myself crying during the day (mostly when I was pregnant!) Nevin has a sixth sense and can seek me out, he will just stand there with his hand on my knee and look at me with sweet eyes.

All 3 of my boys have special spots in my heart. Skyler tugs at my need to live life to the fullest. Go full steam ahead, don't stop, take it all in. What Gav pulls at is probably a whole other blog for goodness sake... Seeing God's goodness and being able to look it in the eyes. And Nevin... You have to know Nevin, he is 28 months and doesn't talk yet but boy, can he communicate. You just have to take the time, get on his level, be a little quiet. He reminds me to sit back and relax. Don't do things just because people want you to. Don't sweat the small stuff. Love on people. And don't you dare let anyone walk on you that you don't throw a fit and go face first in the carpet. :) He is my little lovey buggy.

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